Friday, October 14, 2011

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fun in the sun

Life is coming full circle and how exciting.  I honestly don't think Im getting older.  Im back doing things I did a few years ago.

Things like cycling.  Perth is fabulous because you can rely on good weather, there are lots of flat rides and cycle paths everywhere and if I REALLY want to do a hill...there are hills!  Im boxing.  I LOVE boxing.  I REALLY LOVE kickboxing because I can be hugely aggressive and I love that.  Oh Im starting to do weights again.  I miss that feeling of pushing past your limits!

If you told me 10 years ago I would live in a different country to my friends and family, away from most of my children I would have said your crazy.  My dream was to have my babies around all the time and for us to all get together Sundays, and for my beautiful daughter to visit often.  Well Alycia left home years ago and lives in Sydney, Daniel chose to be his own person and stay in Wellington and only Joseph came and he is his boy be my friend.  Such a different life than I dreamed for myself.  Such a turn in fate and so so happy.  Life isnt perfect.  I miss my babies, but to sit around moping with empty nest issues would be large I say!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Life = Good

I enjoy life.  I don't enjoy it because I have so much stuff, or money, or houses etc.  If I waited till I "got there" I would be sitting on my arse wondering when I get to live.  I enjoy it because I have  a great family, amazing friends and the ability to make choices.  Making choices alters the course of my entire life.  Its just wonderful that being empowered has flow on effects, and consequences.  I made a choice to change my life, and in doing so opened my whole existence to a whole new set of experiences, people, adventures.  Frankly, Im excited!

So Im on week 1 of Michelle Bridges 12wbt....and boy what a week!!

Im just so glad I trained to get up early in the mornings because that sucker was never happening without help!  Its been an eventful week, with lots of sweating, blowing, marveling at how little food the human body needs to thrive and a hell of a lot of laughter.

This was also a week of new stuff.  I popped my cherry at Kimax, which is kind of kick boxing, boxing jumping, pushups, and any other sadistic torture the trainer could put me through.  I learned something valuable...take makeup remover wipes or you look like a panda and Kimax trainers dont care if you swear and yell.
I also learned, dont be a dork and book in for Punchfit class the morning after a Kimax class...that my friends, is just madness!  Ouch!

I went to a motivational seminar by two winners of the Australian Biggest Loser, Bob and be honest something I would normally avoid.  They are just people who lost weight right?  What can they teach me?  Iv'e lost weight so many times they should pay me to teach them how!!!  They taught me to back myself, and to believe that I can do things.  They also reminded me that other people can touch your life just by being themselves.  I was moved despite myself and figured maybe I should shut up and listen from time to time.

I also popped my Jacobs Ladder cherry.  I think that one is hilarious!!  Its 100 something steps to Kings Park.  Now...I know Im not fit and I puffed all the way up that sucker..but people in Perth talk about these steps like they are Mt Everest and to be revered.  Oh pullleeeze people...  Go to Wellington and see what some people climb up just to get to their front door...its hilarious!!

Weight loss?  well I did all the right things, and I haven't got a clue if it worked till weigh in.  My focus is on doing the right things and not breaking.  We will see where that gets me.  Im seeing a guy who is giving me Myofascial therapy for my incredibly tight (but not in a good way) body.  The pain in my feet is gone, and I can sit with my legs in front of me with no pain.  I still cant sit cross legged, but Im working on that.  This man will always be referred to as "God" because of the pain relief he has given me, and because he likes it!

More adventures coming up.....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

When it all comes down to it.....I can do it!

I’ve resisted starting again. Its tiring isn’t it? I mean, you get all ramped up. You fill your fridge with good stuff, tell the world and ..GO!! Something happens, you lose heart, you get tired of trying, you stop, and hey presto…FATTER! Who knew?
So how does one motivate oneself to believe? Well its easy. Where there is life, there is possibility. I have achieved so much in my life and I realised I did it by sheer force of will.
I felt I was getting nowhere once in my career, so I took a punt and shot for jobs beyond me. At one point I got a job because I said I wanted to study. I then had to do a study, and through fear of being found out, and complete focus, I completed a Post Grad Diploma in HR. I had no idea I could do it.
I then got another job beyond me, and finally made the big move. I told my family I was moving and by the way we were all going. I had lived in my house 11 years and only ever been to Australia on holiday, and beyond that…once to LA to get married in Vegas. But this time through sheer force of will I was moving to Perth.
So over I came. Got another job beyond me, put a plan together for the family and led the charge. I had no home, no money, no car, no comforts, no husband…nothing. But I did it. Eventually they got the house , dogs and furniture organised, found tenants for the house and joined me.
So now we are all here, dogs, spare son and no furniture as yet. Im at peace. Its time to put my energy, resources, sheer will and power to myself. I have proven in my life that anything I choose to do will be done. I choose to be healthy, and to support others in their quest. So what if Im starting again…Im starting!!
We are so powerful and we dont even acknowledge it!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pre Season - How does fat and tired feel?

Im tired!
REALLY tired!!

I can barely hold a conversation, never mind find the energy to write this post.  But if Im going to make changes, I need to really articulate how fat and tired feels.

My throat is so painful.  My allergy cough is back.  My heart is palpitating.  My legs are painful and stiff and my shoulders and neck are so stiff I worry I will end up with a permanent hunchback.

Im 5'2 and I cant carry my weight.  Im all boob and belly and I did this.  I let other things take me over.  I put my body last, my health last.  Its ridiculous.

I dont beat myself up.  I cant.  What is done is done.  I can however instigate the changes for a healthier me.  I know Im allergic to Gluten, and I know its cook your own damn food!  I know that white rice makes me tired and dont bloody eat rice!!

Im ready to get real.  Really ready!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Michelle Bridges 12wbt - Here we come!!

After a  long time not blogging its time to ressurect the story.  I was going to do a whole new blog, but what the hell....its a story, not a nice piece of a pie!

I've left home!!!  I have to laugh.  Last year I was all moving to Brisbane!  That never happened.....

We now live in Perth.  As I write this there is a freakin great hurricane going on.  But just 24 hours ago I was sitting in the sun sipping bubbles.  I think I will like Perth.

So 2011 finds me happy, healthy, but again....with the fat!  I let it go because of injuries, study and general laziness.  But I won't be undone.  In a year I turn 50.   The older you get the harder it is to do style when it comes to exercise.  Only because rigormortis sets in and only because I let all that good work go!  I keep re starting because the day I give up being my best me is the day they cart me out of here in a box!

So new adventures!!  I signed up for Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation.  Im going to see it through because I surrounded myself with the most amazing bunch of women I ever met who, as their motto, have JFDI on their t shirts.  I bought a t shirt!  Perth Crew!

Im setting my goals again.  Im putting my sights on what I want.  Im choosing health, easy moving, no excuses.  Im looking to be where I was!  Follow this blog..its a masterpiece in the making cos Im back baby!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Update on life in NZ

Ok, Well I just received a message from anonymous saying they loved my post.  I had stopped writing to this blog simply cos I got busy and I also gained my weight back.

Well anyone who has weight, will understand that one!

So in the last couple of years I have
  • completed a Post Grad Certificate in Human Resource management
  • Married the man of my dreams
  • Fallen off my mtn bike and sported a great neck brace for ages and stuffed my shoulder
  • Got a new job with better moolah and much more fun
  • Had my favourite (and only daughter) graduate her studies and move to Australia with her lovely boyfriend
  • And said goodbye to my youngest son who is flatting and apparently Im good for free food and whatever he can pilfer
I feel I need something else.....