Sunday, February 05, 2006

Marvelous Me

Xmas Day 2005, and I was marvelous. Well for a lot of the day I was quite pissed actually. But we survived and I got on the Ferry the next day to the South Island without throwing up all over the boat.

Anyway, we had a great day, everyone had fun and I was starting to think...hmmmm Im fatter than I allow for. I had just recovered from an open Cholestectomy (Gall bladder removal) and I also have an underactive thyroid. I was sick of using that all as an excuse not to work on my health.

I was about to enter this Weight Watchers journey, and I hadnt told anyone yet.

Its all very exciting really. Posted by Picasa

My Baby Girl

This is Alycia.

I take her to WW meetings to show everyone what Im going to look like when I get to goal.

She is in her second year this year at University. She majors in Psychology and Marketing and speaks fluent German.

Im very proud of Alycia and we are very close. The cake she is carrying was supposed to be a gingerbread house but it collapsed, so, being my daughter, Alycia was not phased.

She just iced the clump and three smarties at it and jelly lollies and chocolate. It was about a gazillion kilojoules. She then decided to take it to my sisters house. My sister is a Herbalife leader so it was only fair that the kilojoules went there.

Well Alycia and I got the joke anyway!!! Posted by Picasa

The biggest fear

All I can say is if you think Im EVER doing this you have to be out of your freakin mind!!

A few of the girls at WW have mentioned they will do it when they get to goal. I mentioned I might but the thought of it gives me the skitters.

We were on holiday down south and Brent and the boys spent ages trying to get me to jump. I doubt it!!! Posted by Picasa

Me and My other boys

These fellas are my posse. The little guy on the far left is Daniel and he is too cool for his pants.

Daniel is 15 in March

The other guy is Joseph. He is the guy that keeps my lawns mowed and weeds trimmed. He would like to be cool, but sadly, God had other plans for him. Joseph is 16.

We took the boys on a Mountain biking holiday over the summer. It rained almost every day other than this one and we never got to ride properly till we got back. Posted by Picasa

My boy and me

This is me with Brent. Brent and I met about 15 months ago when I challenged a girlfriend to go to Ceroc dancing.

I only went cos I thought it would be fun to do something naff. Well naff it wasnt and it turned out to be a great place to find a man LOL

Brent has been my rock, my biggest support and fan and the man I want to see the world with.

He doesnt see how fat I am, but is pushing me to achieve my dreams.

Gotta love that man Posted by Picasa